Dung Beetles Direct
Dung Beetles Direct is part of The Bug Farm, dedicated to researching the role that dung beetles play in British farming systems. The long-term goal is to supply native dung beetles to farmers and horse owners to replenish their native populations.
However, for now, we aim to educate farmers, horse owners, vets and SQP’s about the importance of British dung beetles and how to look after them. Did you know we have over 50 species of dung beetle here in the UK? They have an essential role in reducing dung on pasture. Dung beetles and other dung invertebrates fertilise and aerate our soils for free as well as reducing greenhouse gases.
Sadly, British dung beetles are in decline. Many of the chemicals we use to treat livestock for parasites can be toxic to dung beetles and, when passed through an animal into its dung, can have devastating impacts on native populations of these important little creatures.
We have created downloadable fact sheets to help provide more information about the importance of dung beetles and how to help you develop a sustainable parasite control plan for your animals.
If you are a horse owner, we suggest you contact our friends at Westgate Labs to discuss using their faecal egg count service.